When thinking about possible colleges to attend, you consider many factors, such as small class sizes, a large number of majors and disciplines, and study abroad and internship opportunities. But, one aspect you might not have considered is the potential to conduct research. Data from the University of Michigan suggests that research at the undergraduate […]
How Volunteer Work in College Impacts Your Career Path
When he wrote Democracy in America in 1835, Alexis de Tocqueville said that “the health of a democratic society may be measured by the quality of functions performed by private citizens.” Although de Tocqueville penned his views concerning civic responsibility in the US, these principles remain relevant and applicable in today’s global society. What Is […]
Why Tech Companies Need Liberal Arts Majors
It’s no surprise that jobs in engineering, software design and other computer-oriented fields have come to dominate the market in our tech-filled world. Since 2009, computer science majors and related fields have increased by 43 percent in a response to filling those jobs. At the same time, enrollment in the humanities has been flat. CEOs […]
Liberal Arts Degree Programs That Reach Beyond the Classroom
Ask students earning a liberal arts degree to sum up their college experiences, and they are bound to describe them as life changing. Liberal arts colleges think outside the box when it comes to teaching. They take students beyond the classroom to learn important skills that will carry them into the future. Unique on and off-campus […]
Graduates with Liberal Arts Degrees Outperforming Their Peers
Liberal arts college graduates are intent on making history in an ever-changing world. While the vast majority of college-bound students choose larger research universities, the 4-percent of graduates who go against the grain and graduate from liberal arts colleges are proving themselves as change makers. From one-fourth of American presidents, including James Buchanan and Ronald […]