Going to college for the first time can be one of the most exciting events in your life. Many college students move away from home and live in dorms or apartments with several other students. This can be both fun and frustrating. Since everyone has different habits and lifestyles, it is important to create a […]
Finding Colleges That You Can Afford
Looking for colleges you can afford? Not sure if such a college exists? If you’re shocked by the cost of college, you’re not alone. However, there are affordable colleges out there. It’s just a matter of finding a college that wants you enough to give you a great financial aid package or finding scholarships, grants […]
What You Should Be Doing Your Senior Year of High School
Are you a high school senior, preparing for college? You don’t have much time left: this is the year of action! Follow this senior year calendar to get into the college of your choice. August of Your Senior Year Investigate college options and make your selections. Find out when the deadlines are for college admissions […]
The Real Scoop on State Supported vs Private Schools
Are you doing research to find a college that will be the best choice for you? You might be wondering about the various types of schools and the differences between state supported and private schools. There are several things to take into consideration when you are choosing a college. We will talk about the pros […]
Preparing for College as a High School Junior
You may think you’ve got plenty of time to prepare for college, but there’s more to college prep than just applying to college. Make sure you pay attention to everything on this college preparation checklist for high school juniors. Watch Your Grades Now is the time to shine in your academic work, since colleges will […]
Preparing for Your First Year of College
Are you anxiously gearing up for your very first year attending college? This can be a very exciting time in your life, but it can also be very stressful. Preparing for college takes a lot of planning and forethought. Not only do you have to buy school supplies like in the past, but you will […]