Setting educational goals for yourself starting in high school is one of the most important steps in eventually getting a job in the field of your choice. Most high school students will begin to consider what educational path they want to pursue after they graduate when they are in their junior and senior year of high school. The different types of schools include trade schools, community colleges, online universities, public colleges and private universities. When choosing a college to attend, you will want to consider what type of job you plan to get once you graduate your post secondary school as well as the type of atmosphere you want to experience at college as well. We will talk about what the different types of schools have to offer as far as degree programs and the atmosphere and overall experience they offer.
Trade School Post Secondary Education
Trade schools, vocational schools and technical schools are all very similar in the programs they offer. When choosing a college, consider that these types of schools if you need training in a particular sets of job skills that you might need to gain employment in a certain field. Jobs that may require a trade school certificate are in areas such as factory maintenance, commercial truck driving, welding and other industrial and factory specialty careers.
If you decide to attend a trade school, you have to realize that most of them do not offer the “college experience” like a traditional four-year college might. Most classes are attended on a small campus while you live off campus. Trade schools also do not have many clubs or organizations like some other types of post secondary education might offer. However, if a trade school will fit your career goal, it is a great choice for you.
Community College Post Secondary Education
Most community colleges offer a good variety of degree programs. Some are similar to the programs offered in a trade school environment, but others are in areas such as nursing, hospitality, physical therapy assistant, ultrasound technology, early childhood education (associate’s degree), construction technologies and more. This type of school is great because the programs generally take a few months to a couple years to complete if you attend full time and the jobs in many of the fields offer a competitive wage.
Just like trade schools, community colleges do not have the college experience that some people may want. Students do not reside on campus at a community college, but you will find that some community colleges will have clubs and organizations to belong to that will offer interaction with other students as well. These extracurricular clubs will help enrich your overall college experience when attending a community college. These are some things to keep in mind when choosing a college that fits your specific goals.
Online College Post Secondary Education
In recent years, online degrees are becoming more and more popular. If you can find a degree program that fits you that you can earn entirely or even partially online, it can be a great fit for both your schedule and your budget. If you are traveling with a spouse due to the military or other transient job, online courses will allow you to work on assignments from virtually any location. There are many degree options in numerous content areas. Associate’s, bachelor’s, master’s and doctorate degrees can all be earned at an online university.
Online colleges, however, offer the least amount of community feel. Since there is limited or no interaction with fellow students and professors, you are essentially accountable for your own success while attending school. If you are a self-motivated individual, this can be a great option for you.
Private and Public University Post Secondary Education
When you are choosing a four year traditional college, it is important to understand the main differences between a public and private university. When choosing a college, it is crucial that the school you select offers the educational program you are interested in while fitting into both your budget and your desired college atmosphere. Public colleges are funded by the state so they can cost a bit less than private colleges which are funded mostly by student tuition and donations from various alumni and other groups that support the school.
Four year colleges, whether public or private, will give the students the “college experience” they might crave. For many, the years they attend college will be some of the most influential years of their life both in personal growth and growth of career knowledge. Students usually live on campus, but some will commute. Living on campus allows the students to interact with each other on a daily basis and make friends.
Traditional universities have numerous clubs, groups, sports and other extracurricular activities to keep students involved in the school and the surrounding community. These types of activities keep students engaged and created a community feel for them while they are attending school. In addition, students often make lasting friendships when they are involved in sports, fraternities, sororities and other clubs.
Choosing a College to Fit You
Whether you desire the big “college experience” or just the training to get you to the job you desire, choosing a college that will fit your personality and your career goals is the most important step. Make the most of your college years by becoming as involved as time will allow and explore the different extracurricular options that your school offers.