Are you on the hunt for the very best college that will give you the college experience you are craving? A lot of factors go into deciding which college is right for you. Many large colleges boast a good atmosphere including exciting extra curricular activities, but smaller liberal arts colleges can be excellent choices for almost everyone due to their smaller class sizes and sense of community. We will talk about the various aspects of both types of college options so you can choose which type of college will give you the best college experience.
What Makes a Good College Experience?
For each person, their desired college experience will be different depending on what their personality is like and what career path they choose. Some do not view the fun part of college as being as important as a school that has a renowned science, engineering or medical college. Other college students want to get a good education while they have fun with their friends. The ability to meet and connect with many different types of people can certainly enhance the whole college experience for someone.
No matter if you are seeking a college for the academic offerings or the overall fun atmosphere, ultimately you want to choose a college that will help you succeed in life and accomplish your personal career goals. For instance, if you are interested in becoming a teacher, you will want to find a college that is known for their great education program.
Big vs Small Colleges and Universities
The next thing to consider is what size campus and what class size you are comfortable with. If you are an independent learner who does not need individual attention from the professor, then a large state college or university may be the right choice for you. Large colleges have plenty to offer as far as academics and a fun college life with their sports teams and many varied student organizations. However, you may not be someone who learns best in a large group. Some seminar-type courses teach hundreds of students. This makes it difficult to ask questions and often leaves the student to their own devices. There are several thousand students that attend larger universities, and it can be overwhelming when trying to connect with the other students.
Unlike a large state college, private liberal arts type colleges can be a superb choice for nearly everyone. You will find that the student population is more focused on their academics. Due to smaller class sizes, each student will get individual attention if and when this is desired. For instance, the student population at Prescott in Arizona is around 800 undergraduate students. Students on campus get to know each other, and the atmosphere feels like a family or a close knit group of friends.
How to Choose a College
Each student has different academic and social goals for their college experience. Once you find out what your goals are, you can better select the right college for you. Taking tours of the colleges you are interested in will give you a better idea on what it will be like if you attend school there. Meet with your school counselor and speak with your parents to schedule college visits.