Photo: American Jewish University. Retrieved from: www.aju.edu
The American Jewish University is located in Bel Air, California and is the product of many Jewish universities that have merged throughout the years to give students of all faiths a higher education. A private, nondenominational school that enrolls around 150 students, the college has a strong background in Judaism, giving students opportunities to explore their Jewish heritage.
Upon graduation, administrators at the American Jewish University hopes to instill its students with leadership, culture, and ethics in hopes that students will go on to serve their community both professionally and privately.
The American Jewish University is made up of 132 undergraduate students and 136 graduate students from different ethnicities and five countries. International students make up 5.3% of the student body.
The university has several majors that students can choose. The most popular majors at the American Jewish University are business/marketing, psychology and social sciences. More than half of the classes offered at the university have under ten students. Only 2% of classes enroll more than 30 students. Located in a major city like Los Angeles students have the opportunity to apply for internships or part-time jobs where they can incorporate their majors into everyday life.
School History
The University of Judaism was founded by Dr. Mordecai Kaplan in 1947. His main goal was to create an institution that represented the diversity of Judaic expression. It was run primarily by the Jewish Theological Seminary in New York City and the Bureau of Jewish Education of Greater Los Angeles up until the 1970s. After that, it then became a nondenominational institution. It was not until 2007 that the University of Judaism and the Brandeis-Bardin Institute combined and became the American Jewish University.
Campus Life
There are many events and activities around campus that students can participate in. With over 120,000 volumes, students can study in the Ostrow Library or catch concerts and celebrations at the Gindi Auditorium. They can work out in the fitness facilities or play basketball on the new basketball courts.
Another main staple on the American Jewish University’s campus is the Marjorie and Herman Platt Gallery and Borstein Art Gallery which have featured the likes of David Hockney, Jim Dine, and Frank Stella. Students can also go for a walk in the Smalley Sculpture Garden that have included works by Beverly Pepper, Jenny Holzer, and George Rickey. Freshmen are required to live on campus.
Once an upperclassman, students can decide whether or not they want to live on campus or rent an apart in the surrounding area. Approximately 47% of students live on campus. There are four resident halls on campus which contain private baths. Along with the resident halls, the American Jewish University offer one-bedroom apartments. These apartments are primarily for married students, students with children, and graduate students. Each apartment has one bathroom and comes with a dishwasher, refrigerator, and oven.
Financial Aid
A year at the American Jewish University costs each student about $45,000 a year. In the 2010-2011 school year, the financial aid department was able to give 100% of students financial aid that were deemed to need financial assistance giving out an average awards package of $24,500.. Overall, 88% of students saw their needs fully met with loans, grants, or scholarships. Upon graduation, students can expect to be $28,000 in debt.