Photo: Earlham College
Earlham College, located in beautiful Richmond, Indiana has become a strong foundation that has helped thousands of Earlhamites develop into leaders within their professional careers. Known across the nation for the Multi-Interdisciplinary Studies program offered at the College, Earlham strives to educate students in more than just academic studies. All students are encouraged to challenge themselves, their education and their professional careers to achieve more out of life. Courses and extra-curricular activities help students to maintain consistent mind stimulation in the daily aspects of life, keeping their academic studies well utilized and their minds well nourished.
The core values of Earlham College are based on the continuous learning and diversity that students are expected to face in the outside world around them. Building these core values within each student, has helped the faculty and staff maintain a high retention and student graduation rate. Earlham College provides students with a spacious 800-acre campus, including all the vital necessities as well as the opportunity to study abroad in over 15 different countries across the world. The Earlham School of Religion is also located on campus, giving students ample choice in programs and majors.
School History
Since 1847, Earlham has molded the mind and future of generations of students. The history of the College is owed to the early Quakers that settled in Richmond, stressing the need for a challenging educational institute for local children. The Great Migration of the Quakers brought many settlers to the city, increasing the need for a school that was both dedicated and well-versed in the Quaker culture. For the first fifteen years of operation, Earlham was open to a select group of locals and friends. However, in early 1886, the first non-Quaker educator was hired, and open enrollment began, welcoming all students, regardless of creed.
Since 1913, Earlham College has been consistently accredited by the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools. Accreditation has been reviewed and renewed every ten years since obtaining credentials.
Over the years, Earlham has undergone several renovations and updates in order to maintain the safety and history of each architectural structure. Since 1998, there have been seven of the original structures that have been renovated and remain in use today. Amongst these improvements was the creation of new residence halls, as well as several athletic facilities throughout the campus.
Campus Life
The landscape of Earlham College provides students with a mentally and emotional soothing atmosphere, ideal for focused minds. Inside the campus grounds, students can find a 600-acre wooded environment, surrounded by a variety of nature walks, streams and preserves that students can relax and enjoy. Many students have utilized the old fields and terrains to enhance their individual research, strengthening their academic goals and achievements. While attending classes, all students are entitled to access into the Athletic and Wellness Center as well as Landrum Bolling Center to enhance their studies and recreational activities.
The Student Government at Earlham College provides students with a strong sense of leadership and responsibility. As this organization controls and governs most of the campus activities and programs, students take an additional sense of pride in the success of each organized event. As music is a big part of campus life, many concerts and live performances are routinely held each semester. Earlham strives to develop an eclectic array of multicultural affairs on campus. The Office of Multicultural Affairs is available throughout the year to assist students in developing new ways and opportunities to add to campus diversity, including new groups, programs and seminar offerings.
All incoming students are encouraged to visit the Office of Residential Life before the start of the semester to ensure proper housing placement. Each student has their choice to house on campus in one of the many residence halls and housing facilities. Each facility is staffed with an Assistant Director for Residence Life to ensure the safety and accommodation of all students while living on campus. Laundry, community and educational services are available in each housing facility as well.
Financial Aid
Earlham faculty and administration strives to provide students with the resources and support they need to ensure proper funding each semester. As the majority of students secure financial aid funding, counselors are experienced with the various types of funding, giving students the added advantage when applying. Financial aid is important aspect of any college education as it allows the freedom to complete more courses during the program term to optimize the program offerings. Each student, upon admission, is automatically considered for a large variety of privately funded grants and scholarships, which are based on merit, need, artistic and athletic achievement.
The Office of Financial Aid, as well as Student Mentors and members of the Community Service staff work diligently to ensure all students find the funding needed to guarantee a smooth running semester. Earlham offers an extensive work study program that makes over 100 jobs available to students on and off-campus. Some students may be eligible for paid internships throughout their college attendance as well.