Photo: McDaniel College. Retrieved from: www.mcdaniel.edu
McDaniel College is private liberal arts college that offers students a varied range of opportunity both academically and individually. Widely known for the global studies and history programs, students that attend McDaniel College are able to travel abroad to optimize their educational realm as well as experience their field first-hand. Providing both undergraduate and graduate programs, McDaniel College alumni have been known to go on to lead productive and meaningful leadership positions in their fields, as political figures, educators and lawyers. The College also has international facilities that students are able to utilize as well, in Budapest, Hungary. Many students spend a semester or more abroad, learning their field while surrounded by various cultures and globally acknowledged educators.
The majority of faculty members at McDaniel College have advanced degrees in their field of study that offers students an advantage academically and through life experiences. Since 90% of these faculty members are available full-time, students can take advantage of direct attention and communication to help them adjust and stay ahead of their class.
School History
McDaniel College was founded by one man with a dream of building an esteemed college where students could obtain a solid education and explore their appreciation for the liberal arts culture. Fayette R. Buell was a Westminster teacher that strove to achieve his dream by purchasing hilltop land and soliciting fellow educators to help him establish the charter. Other key figures in the establishment of the College were Methodist minister, J.T. Ward and president of the Western Maryland railroad, John Smith. Together, these men created the strong foundation and funding to establish McDaniel College in 1867.
McDaniel College is accredited by the Commission on Higher Education of the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools.
McDaniel College has come a long way from its first class of only 37 coed and 8 academic programs. In fact, McDaniel College was one of the very first coed colleges in the nation. Although the college was originally founded with strong relations to the United Methodist Church, by 1974, the College had severed ties with any denomination, remaining independent from religious affiliation.
Campus Life
McDaniel College provides students with essential nurturing atmosphere to grow and develop their academic and individual persona. Encouraged students to participate in activities both in and out of the classroom enables them to excel in their fields and professional ventures. McDaniel fosters close-knit community that strives to help each other achieve their goals, as well as perform active civil and community service to the surrounding communities. Many students take advantage of the study abroad program in order to advance their studies and provide their services to global communities as well.
There are over 80 student-operated organizations and clubs that are offered at McDaniel College, including the infamous Student Senate and debate teams which compete on national and international levels. The athletics department of the school offers students a chance to compete in many NCAA Division III championship tournaments that help them to develop strong leadership skills and teamwork qualities that can also help them advance in the professional world. Students are recognized for their academic and athletic achievements both within the campus community and on national scales. In fact, many students go on to compete in international tournaments, representing their school and in some cases, their state in competitions.
The majority of McDaniel College students reside on campus in the various residence halls and apartment buildings. However many undergrad students choose to pledge for fraternity and sorority housing after their first year. It is opportunities like these that allow students to develop some of the strongest bonds and friendships of their lifetime. You may find students gathered together at the Hoover Library preparing for classes and tests, or utilizing the student services offered on campus to advance their studies and professional training. Despite how students prefer to achieve their goals, they will always find the needed support around campus.
Financial Aid
When it comes to financial aid matters, McDaniel College is dedicated to helping students alleviate as much stress as possible. Financial aid counselors are available during the school year to assist students in exploring all funding options as well as to guide them through the application process effectively. Upon admission, all students are considered for a wide variety of independently funded merit-based and artistic scholarships based on high school achievements and placement testing. Many students can also quality for athletic-based scholarships and grants as well.
Multiple funding options are available through the Office of Financial Aid for students. Special circumstances such as disability, military or veteran funding is also available to those who qualify. Many students take full advantage of the study abroad and work-study programs that place students in various positions on and off campus, as well as the secondary campus in Budapest to help them pay for the college expenses.