Photo: New College of Florida. Retrieved from: unknown source.
New College of Florida provides the true Floridian lifestyle for students to enjoy independent living while attending school. The residential community setting offers all students the advantage to live, work and study amongst their peers, while working towards their individual goals. With a small 10:1 student-faculty ratio, all classes help students to obtain an innovative and direct education in their subject area from teachers that hold advanced degrees in the areas themselves. This gives students an excellent advantage of learning the course material from educators that have personal experience in the field. Pursuing double majors in both liberal arts and sciences while incorporating professional program training is not uncommon around the New College of Florida campus. Many students prefer to engage in such a challenging academic journey to ensure that they are fully prepared for life after graduation.
New College of Florida is currently the only college in the state of Florida to offer a dedicated liberal arts undergraduate program. The College is located on the Sarasota Bay, close to all local amenities, shopping and entertainment, yet offering the perfect sunny setting for students to enjoy their academic experience around high spirits and determined minds. By offering a rigorous education and challenging curriculum, students are able to achieve their goals while developing more skills and leadership qualities than any other undergraduate college. The residential campus offers a close community and bonded friendships that encourage students to push through, even through their hardest academic moments.
School History
New College of Florida was established in the late 1950s by a group of local educators and civic leaders in response to local residents demanding a college to be built, offsetting the historical museums and theatre. Established as a private institution, the College was established to ensure that students were given an opportunity to focus on their academic career in a free-thinking and creative environment. Amongst the founders responsible for fine-tuning the curriculum and code of honor at New College of Florida were Phillip Hiss, John Gustad and Douglas Berggren, who together developed the College into the nationally acknowledged liberal arts institute that it is today.
New College of Florida is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools.
By 1967, New College of Florida had created such an impact on the academic world that the infamous Time magazine dedicated a full-page article to its honor. As the school advanced and increased enrollment, it developed a home on the current campus grounds, formerly known as the Charles Ringling estate. The campus overlooks U.S. 41, encouraging students to pursue their dreams just as the founders did. There are many historical attributes on campus to honor the founders and serve as a constant reminder to students of their accomplishments.
Campus Life
Being a residential campus, students are actively involved in daily campus life. With over 100 student-operated clubs and organizations such as sailing, scuba diving and even circus arts, all students are encouraged to participate in at least one of the campus organizations to help showcase their talents and abilities while helping others to develop theirs. This system of balance and support is a vital aspect of the success of each student. Faculty members are also actively involved in this success. Dedicating time and resources to helping students research their thesis, develop new organizations or expedite student awareness rallies for various causes, both faculty and staff work to develop close relationships with each student on campus.
All students retain access to the campus amenities such as dinning services, fitness center and laundry facilities. Many students spend their downtime in fitness center, taking advantage of the routine yoga, Pilates and aerobics classes. While other students prefer to spend their time in the library or computer labs, advancing their research for senior year. Many students take advantage of the study abroad program to learn cultural studies and foreign language first hand, advancing their experience and academic success. On campus, students live in the various residence halls, cabana-style houses and apartment dorms together. Each housing facility accommodates up to 4 students, while housing members of the Student Life Staff as well.
Financial Aid
The Office of Financial Aid works diligently to assist students in finding the proper funding throughout their college experience. While the majority of students that attend New College of Florida secure financial aid in the forms of traditional loans, many students also apply for various grants and scholarships to ensure that tuition and all other college related expenses are accounted for. New College of Florida offers students the opportunity to take advantage of the work study program at the school, which places students in positions across the campus, some related to their coursework. All students are encouraged to visit the Financial Aid Office and consult with counselors before each semester to determine whether an increase of funding is needed t optimize their course schedules.
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