Photo: Susquehanna University. Retrieved from: www.pinterest.com
Susquehanna University is known for preparing students for their future, helping them development more out of their college experience than just a profound education. Susquehanna students learn how to adjust to new surroundings efficiently, take charge in their professional careers and develop comprehension skills that will help them to continuously excel. The school holds strong affiliations with their Lutheran heritage, inspiring the school to uphold the traditions, services and ethics for education. Susquehanna University offers students a once in a lifetime experience to live, study and work within a strong, close-knit community of people that all share the same goal – to define and achieve success for themselves.
The location of Susquehanna University is ideal for students looking to fulfill the balance between city life and quiet study time amongst the nature landscapes. Located in the Susquehanna River Valley, this gives the campus easy access to the main cities such as Harrisburg. Many students also take weekend leisure and community service adventures into New York, Washington D.C. or Philadelphia, which are all just a few hours-drive from the campus. Susquehanna University students can take advantage of the creative liberal arts programs or discover new found interests in one of the various majors and minors.
School History
Susquehanna University was founded by Lutherans in 1858 and has since established a strong, liberal arts focused educational system for students. Since established, the school – its faculty and staff – have been dedicated to active community service, growth and exploring new ideas, just as the Lutheran Founders had done. Providing such a creative style education to students while enabling them to develop such skills remains one of the main goals for the school today. As times changed and technology advanced, so did the foundation of Susquehanna. The University has grown to offer its liberal arts programs through the School of Arts and Sciences chapter, as well as offer a variety of other degrees and professional studies through the Sigmund Weis School of Business.
Susquehanna University is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education, also recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation. The Sigmund Weis School of Business is also accredited by the AACSB International.
The legacy of the Founders and Lutheran heritage has inspired Susquehanna University to remain involved with activism, community service and building relationships both locally and internationally. Over the years, the university has become active members of organizations such as The American Association of Colleges and Universities, The American Council on Education, The Lutheran Educational Conference of North America and The Annapolis Group.
Campus Life
Susquehanna University believes that creating a pleasant and interactive campus environment assists students in adjusting to college life easier, develop positive study habits and feel more comfortable reaching out for help when needed. Faculty, staff and members of the various student organizations and student government encourage students to get involved with on and off campus activities. Many students participate in study abroad programs to optimize their experience and education, while others remain on campus and take advantage of distance learning programs instead. Susquehanna University offers students a wide variety of varsity sports to get involved in. The majority of students love to show their school spirit and support on the fields, cheering the teams on from the sidelines.
Since just about all students live on campus, Susquehanna University offers several housing options such as residence halls, apartment complexes and off campus housing. Faculty and staff are available to assist students in choosing the right residence opportunity for them. First year students reside together, helping them to get accustomed to college life with peers who are also experiencing the same transition.
Student safety is a priority on and off campus. There are several offices located throughout the campus that are designated to health, fitness and student essential needs, such as counseling, scheduling and of course, laundry!
Financial Aid
The stress of paying tuition can sometimes be overwhelming for students, especially within their first year. Susquehanna University offers plenty of financial aid opportunities and services that students are encouraged to explore. The University honors all loan programs as well as many scholarship-aid options as well. In addition to third party lending, Susquehanna University also offers its own merit-based scholarships and grant programs for stude?
nts who have exerted academic accomplishments. There are a variety of different need based grant programs available for students who attend Susquehanna University.
The Office of Financial Aid prides themselves on their level of student relations. Faculty and staff advisors are well aware that college expenses can range far beyond tuition and cost of books. Each student has individual financial needs that they must take into consideration when applying for financial aid. For this reason, Susquehanna University offers students scholarships ranging from $1,000 to full tuition to help out with the overall costs of college.
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