Photo: Westminister College. Retrieved from: www.facebook.com/westminsterpa
Westminster College is dedicated to developing ideal students as well as well rounded professionals that have acquired the skills and competency needed to survive in the competitive job market. Offering a unique curriculum structured around the principles of liberal arts, while incorporating pre-professional coursework and community activism. Westminster College holds the Judeo-Christian tradition in high regard when it comes to assisting students in developing themselves as individuals, students and mature professionals. Students are encouraged to get involved with their surroundings and community, learning to incorporate their studies into their daily lives effectively.
Westminster College provides students with irreplaceable opportunities to enhance their skills and life experiences both in and out of the classroom. Many students take advantage of opportunities such as the Bridges to Israel program in order to learn about heritage, history and the perspective of religion. Students are taught and encouraged to communicate more effectively in order to showcase their knowledge and gain diverse education. This type of creative expression is instilled in students through classroom curriculum, campus events and live performances that take place throughout the campus grounds routinely. Providing students with an atmosphere that enables them to grow and develop is the main priority at Westminster College.
School History
Founded in 1852 by a group of Ohio and Shenango Presbyteries, Westminster College became one of the first coed colleges in the country. It was during a meeting with these two Presbyterian groups, that the notion was made to create a college that implemented all of the values they shared with the strong education they knew students would need to survive. The school was established to provide students with a well rounded education that incorporated the Christian values into their journey to develop their individuality, as well as their spiritual and social identities. During this time, there were very few educational systems that provided students with such an educational experience.
Westminster College is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education and is reaffirmed every 10 years. The last accreditation was reaffirmed on June 23, 2011.
Although the history of Westminster College runs quite deep, the first publication referencing the history of the school was not created until 1952, when Paul Gamble, the great grandson of one of the founders and grandson to one of the first graduates of the college, wrote articles honoring the college for the centennial addition of the school newspaper.
Campus Life
Westminster College offers students a large variety of activities, events, clubs, groups and organizations to get involved with. The Office of Student Affairs provides a constant resource of assistance to students from everything to scheduling to planning an event to finding an organization to join. In addition to assisting students in finding help, this office also acts as a wide variety of representation for students such as advocated, advisors, judicial officers and counselors. Although this office offers extensive help, students can also rely on the interactive events calendar that organizes all events throughout campus. Students are able to submit their own event to keep others informed and involved as well.
Students at Westminster College are encouraged to participate in extra-curricular activities to optimize their college experience. Many students get involved with the Leadership Development and START programs in order to prepare themselves for their professional careers. Others like to pass the time attending performances and concerts that are held routinely throughout the campus grounds. The Student Health Center is another popular place to find crowds of students on any given day.
Residence life on campus offers students a solid way to get to know their classmates and gain independence. Members of the residence life staff are available at any time to help students get familiar with the campus, get to know their peers as well as meet the goals they set for themselves throughout their college experience. Westminster College offers plenty of residence halls to accommodate students and even offer special interest housing that allows students of like majors to room together.
Financial Aid
When it comes to facing the harsh reality of paying for school, many students and their families may become a bit overwhelmed. Westminster College offers plenty of financial aid options to help ease the stress of paying for tuition and expenses during the college experience. Although Westminster accepts most traditional financial aid sources such a government funded loans and scholarships, this school offers their own financial aid resources as well. Students can apply for a wide variety of need based loans and grants to help pay for tuition as well as get involved with the work study programs that are set up on and off campus. Students who take advantage of this option can find comfort in knowing that there are over 300 jobs located on campus grounds that can help them incorporate their studies into their work as well.
The staff and faculty of Westminster College are dedicated to helping students and parents alleviate the stress of paying for school. Counselors are available throughout the year to assist students in filing for loans, applying for grants and exploring all opportunities that may be available to them. Many students also take advantage of the Financial Aid Homepage that is designed to help students calculate tuition and fees associated with their degree programs and residence stay.
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