Are you doing research to find a college that will be the best choice for you? You might be wondering about the various types of schools and the differences between state supported and private schools. There are several things to take into consideration when you are choosing a college. We will talk about the pros and cons of each type of school and discuss which would be the best choice for you overall.
Cost of Public vs Private Schools
The item that tops most lists when selecting a college is to choose one that fits within your budget as far as tuition and fees. If you do not want to drown in student loan debt when you graduate, seek alternative ways to fund your education through grants and scholarships you are eligible for. Most require an intense application process, but can be worth it when you get part or all of your tuition paid for without having to use loans.
State supported schools are funded by state and federal contributions. This takes care of the majority of the costs to run the university so tuition costs tend to be lower than private schools. Private schools do not receive any funding from the government, but from tuition and private contributions. This is the main reason that private college tuition costs are higher than public.
Make the decision with your parents and your school counselor and work on a budget for your college education. A financial adviser at the college you choose can also help you apply for financial aid and scholarships.
Class Size and Availability
Some students decide that they would like more one on one attention in their college classes. Private schools offer much smaller class sizes which means you can interact with the professors more easily than in a large public school seminar setting. In addition to smaller classes, it can be easier to get into classes that you need to take in order to graduate on time.
School Size and Degree Programs
At public universities, there are many options to choose from in regards to degree programs. This can be great if start your college education with an undecided major to allow you some time to think about what direction you want to go. Public universities are generally larger in student population than private universities. This, however, can depend on the location of the school and how large the campus is. Some public schools are just as small as private schools.
Private schools have a much smaller population, in general, than public schools. This means you will have a much more intimate experience in school and have the ability to know many of the students in your classes. In a public university, you may never take a class with the same person twice unless it is intentional. Some public universities boast a population number over 40,000 students while many private schools have only a few thousand students.
The best advice is to seek which school can satisfy both your educational goals and your college tuition budget. Meet with your school counselor today to learn more about the different private and public schools you are interested in to investigate if they would be a good match for you.