Thank you for your interest in our Sponsored Content program. Before we begin creating content highlighting your institution, there are a few guidelines you should be aware of:
Promoting the Value of Liberal Arts. Our site is dedicated to marketing the value of a private, liberal arts education; not just your institution. We combine original research, outcomes data, IPEDS data and interviews with colleges to create content that sets liberal arts colleges apart from other college options.
Highlighting Your School’s Unique Characteristics Without the Hype. Our primary goal for the site is to provide helpful information to parents and students. We have seen significant growth (84,490 visitors in the past 12 months, to be exact) in our readership by providing useful content, not marketing pieces for schools. Help us spread the word about what makes your college truly unique.
Maintaining Complete Editorial Control. We are not a venue where schools get to say whatever they want about themselves. We take this so seriously, it is in our Sponsored Content agreement that institutions sign before we get started.
Publishing Sponsored Content Alongside Research. Sometimes the truth hurts. If we have conducted research and published results that don’t necessarily line up with your marketing message, we will not change our content. Look at it this way, it is better to have some positive messages to go along with less than favorable findings than to have no positive message at all.
Helping Students Discover Your School. Our goal is to make it easy for prospective students and parents to discover your college. We combine current student feedback and other research to create honest, informative content, and to provide families and counselors with a trusted source of college information. You can help us help you by providing information on what makes your college unique. Then, let our staff craft original content to support those messages.
updated: April 6, 2017